Stay tuned!


Yparex - The New Brand Name for our Exxelor Product Line
Starting from March 1, 2025, The Compound Company will rename the Exxelor® range of modified polymer products. These products will officially be renamed Yparex®, a globally recognized and established brand that The Compound Company has been using for many years within the modified polymer business.

Opening hours during festive season
Please be aware of the different opening hours of our locations during the Christmas season.

Plastics Seminar: from Recyclate to Product
On Thursday 14 November 2024, the Plastics Seminar: from Recyclate to Product will take place at the Makersfabriek Zwolle. Interesting speakers from the market will take you through inspiring sub-sessions.

Rainblock®: Circular water storage
The Rainblock® project is one of the Circular Chain projects The Compound Company has partnered in. In this project, we collaborated with various companies in the value chain to develop and prove that Rainblock® can be produced with a new compound based on recycled plastic feed stock, the EcoForte PCR recyclate. This new compound minimize the carbon footprint by replacing imported prime fossil-based polymers.

Ecovadis Gold Medal 2024
As part of our commitment to society, our people and the environment, The Compound Company completes a thorough assessment of its business sustainability practices every year through EcoVadis.
In our latest rating, which was completed August 2024, we earned a golden Ecovadis medal again, which places The Compound Company in the top 5% globally.
In our latest rating, which was completed August 2024, we earned a golden Ecovadis medal again, which places The Compound Company in the top 5% globally.

Kunststoffenbeurs, 18 & 19 September 2024
The Compound Company will be present at the Kunststoffenbeurs on 18 and 19 September 2024 in 's-Hertogenbosch (NL) with its brands Yparex, Ecoforte and Exxelor. Our team will be happy to show you the latest possibilities in extrudable adhesives, tie layer resins, compatibilizers, coupling agents, biobased compounds and upcycled compounds.

Dutch/German consortium develops simplified tandem solar modules for European market
In cooperation with Dutch and German industrial partners, TNO is advancing a tandem solar module suitable for early market introduction. The tandem solar module consists of monolithic perovskite/silicon solar cells on top of each other. This application can reach higher efficiencies than those achieved by current silicon-based solar modules, which results in more power per square meter and lower cost per kWh. FIT4Market, a four-year research project granted by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), will help drive CO2 reduction through to 2030, thus supporting national climate objectives. Next to that it’s a new step in bringing PV production back to Europe and rebuilding a competitive PV supply chain.

Promising glass film ready for the market
Picture a wafer-thin film that is invisibly incorporated into window glass to repel heat during the summer and let it in during the winter, saving hundreds of Euros in energy costs each year. This product, in a nutshell, is the result of an intensive collaboration between Yparex and Brightlands Materials Center (BMC,) a joint innovation center of TNO and the Province of Limburg, both of which are located at Brightlands Chemelot Campus in Geleen.

The Compound Company acquires Exxelor™ polymers from Esso Deutschland GmbH to expand its global reach into new markets
The Compound Company acquires the production site, product portfolio and customer base for Exxelor™ polymer resins from ESSO Deutschland GmbH , ExxonMobil in Cologne, Germany. The acquisition will increase the global production capacity of The Compound Company to about 70 kilotons per year and significantly expand the group’s reach into new markets

The Compound Company receives the EcoVadis Silver CSR rating
The Compound Company BV is in the top 13% (overall score) of companies rated by EcoVadis in the Manufacture of basic chemicals, fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms industry.

Interview with Wouter Van den Berg about plastic waste
Interesting interview with our colleague Wouter: "Plastic is fantastic until it ends up as waste".

Webinar about Packaging technologies for thin-film solar modules
Watch the webinar with our expert Frank Huijnen!

Yparex® steunt TUT met inkapselingmateriaal voor zonnepanelen
Yparex ondersteunt TUT met inkapselingmateriaal in de experimentele fase van de productie van zonnepanelen voor de Sun Chaser 4.

Project Sunovate
In dit project richten we ons op de productie en demonstratie van functionele folies die zowel in ramen als in gebouw geïntegreerde zonnepanelen (BIPV) worden geïntegreerd.

Recycling of multilayer packaging film. The ultimate challenge? Find here the answer and presentation of Wouter van den Berg!

The Compound Company at Plastic Free virtual summit
Visit us at The Plastic Free virtual summit on 9th & 10th of November and we will update you about our interesting new developments

Samenwerking voor toekomstbestendige producten
The Compound Company werk o.a. samen met Polymer Science Park aan toekomstbestendige producten

Corona statement The Compound Company
In view of the expanding Corona (COVID-19) health crisis in nearly all countries of the world, The Compound Company has taken measures to protect the interests of its stakeholders.

The Compound Company on Dutch television
Want to learn more about The Compound Company? Watch the episode at "De Barometer" on Dutch Television RTL Z.

The Compound Company ISO 14001 certified
By completing ISO 14001 certification we can assure customers that our environmental management system meets international industry specific environmental standards.

The Compound Company acquires controlling stake in Transmare Compounding BV
The Compound Company has acquired a controlling stake in Transmare Compounding BV, Roermond, The Netherlands, as of December 14th 2018. Current shareholder Henk-Jan Aarsen will retain a minority stake.

The Compound Company to double production capacity to meet demand for its EcoForte® and Yparex® products
The Compound Company, the fast-growing manufacturer of EcoForte® thermoplastic performance compounds and Yparex® extrudable adhesive resins, is to double its production capacity with investments totalling €8 million.

Yparex® Solar Encapsulant film receives Thumbs Up from KIWA
TULiPPS BV has developed the COSMOS M300 lightweight POE solar photovoltaic module using Yparex® POE encapsulant film. Kiwa has tested this PV module and it passed the qualification with outstanding results.

Nieuwe huisvesting voor The Compound Company in Geleen bereikt hoogste punt
Multi-tenant gebouwen op Brightlands Chemelot Campus bereiken hoogste punt.

Yparex as Coupling Agent and Compatibilizer
An article in Compounding World about Compatibilizers and a chapter about the use of Yparex as Compatibiizer and Coupling Agent. Read the interview with Frank Huijnen.

The X-factor in extrusion coating of adhesives
Interview with Erik Bijleveld in Coating International.

Management change at The Compound Company
Simon Put will succeed Frans Haafkens as Managing Director.

The innovative character of the Dutch solar power sector
A video on the innovative character of the Dutch solar power sector.

The Compound Company helpt werklozen via een work experience project
Op deze manier dragen ze bij om langdurig werkelozen weer op weg te helpen.

Yparex® at Brightlands Chemelot Campus
Yparex® is located at Brightlands Chemelot Campus at Sittard-Geleen (NL). General Manager Wouter van den Berg explains the activities of the company and why the campus is important.

Nexeo Solutions expands its product portfolio with tie resins for multilayer barrier film and compatibilizers for compounds

The Compound Company
RESIN (Products & Technology) BV and Yparex BV continue under the name THE COMPOUND COMPANY

Higher solar panel light output through development of new reactor for production of nano materials
Collaboration in Limburg speeds up solar panels innovation for, possible, application in greenhouse cultivation.

Expands Operations and Capabilities
Resin products & technology b.v. and Yparex b.v. expands operations and capabilities

Second generation Bio-Based tie layer
Second generation bio-based tie layer for multilayer packaging gives packaging producers even more choice

Yparex News
Yparex receives subsidy for further increase sustainability of Dutch society.

'Brightlands interviewed Yparex'
Brightlands interviewed Yparex' General Manager Wouter van den Berg

Yparex BV News
Yparex BV partners with the new Brightlands Materials Center on adhesion

Press release: PV Modules with Yparex
Press release: Long-Life, High-Efficiency PV Modules

Resin & Yparex demonstrate successful partnership
Resin & Yparex demonstrate successful partnership resulting in long-term, strategic and customer benefits

Yparex B.V. first to market with bio-based tie layer for greener multilayer packaging
95% plant-based polymer provides drop-in solution for packaging designers to make products more sustainable

Yparex B.V. started
"I'm extremely proud to announce today that the Yparex B.V. has started"